Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2017

having fun

having fun

long time ago
I had fun
without thinking about it
without planning it

I just went higher, faster
as much as I could...
but now,
everything changed -
I I never felt this way again
I really didn t feel fun,
until every emotion seemed so far away,
faded away from me,
for such a long time...

All of the sudden,
I feel it again,
I have fun
enjoy life
different then before
but every second I am in
it fills me up completly,
feeling joy
seems for the first time...

I am happy about
feeling positive again,
to enjoy life -
and I will do my best
that this will only be a beginning again
and to stay positive -
for the rest of my life!

mel alazza, 2017

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